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Clinical Chemistry Bishop Case S

Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma (HMSC), originally known as HPV-related carcinoma with adenoid cystic carcinoma-like features, is a peculiar neoplasm that is restricted to the sinonasal tract, exhibits features of both a surface-derived and salivary gland carcinoma (particularly adenoid cystic carcinoma), and is associated with high-risk HPV. Given the limited number of published cases, the full clinicopathologic spectrum of this neoplasm is unclear. Here, we present an updated experience of 49 cases. All cases of HMSC were obtained from the authors' files. Immunohistochemistry for p16, c-kit, and myoepithelial cell markers (S100, actin, calponin, p63, and/or p40) was performed along with RNA in situ hybridization for HPV (type 33-specific as well as a high-risk cocktail). Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies for fusions of MYB, NFIB, and MYBL1 was performed on a subset of cases. Clinical follow-up was obtained from medical records. A total of 49 cases of HMSC were collected. Twenty-eight (57%) were from women and 18 (43%) from men, ranging in age from 28 to 90 years (mean, 54 y). Of 40 cases with detailed staging information, 43% of HMSCs presented with a high T-stage (T3 or T4). Histologically, most grew predominantly as solid nests of basaloid cells exhibiting high mitotic rates and frequent necrosis, with histologic and immunohistochemical evidence of myoepithelial differentiation. Most cases also demonstrated foci of cribriform and/or tubular growth, along with an inconspicuous population of ducts. Thirty-four (69%) cases demonstrated an unusual pattern of surface involvement where markedly atypical squamous cells colonized tracts of the sinonasal mucosa. Less consistent histologic features included squamous differentiation within the invasive tumor (n=6), sarcomatoid transformation (n=5) including overt chondroid differentiation (n=3), and prominent epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma-like growth (n=3). All cases were positive for p16 by immunostaining and HPV by RNA in situ hybridization. Thirty-three (67%) were positive for HPV 33. No cases tested for MYB, MYBL1, or NFIB gene fusions were positive. In the 38 cases with follow-up data, (mean follow-up, 42 mo) 14 recurred locally and 2 metastasized (lung, finger). There were no regional lymph node metastases, and no tumor-related deaths. HMSC is a distinct sinonasal neoplasm characterized by myoepithelial differentiation, frequent surface epithelial involvement, and the presence of high-risk HPV (especially type 33). Although it classically exhibits a cribriforming pattern that closely resembles adenoid cystic carcinoma, our expanded series highlights a histologic spectrum that is much broader than previously recognized, warranting a change in terminology. HMSC usually presents as a large and destructive sinonasal mass with high-grade histologic features, but it paradoxically behaves in a relatively indolent manner, underscoring the importance of distinguishing HMSC from true adenoid cystic carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and other histologic mimickers.

Clinical Chemistry Bishop Case S

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Curriculum materials developed through the project are used as a basis for workshop discussions and lesson planning. Teachers learn how to use the curriculum cases in a range of courses, including biology, philosophy, health, religion, mathematics, chemistry, law, social studies, civics, American history, world history, and ethics. Bioethicists from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics present lectures on the ethical issues associated with various cases in bioethics and discuss some of the fundamentals of bioethics with the teachers. Workshop leaders, including several experienced high school teachers ("lead teachers"), demonstrate approaches for teaching students decision-making skills and strategies appropriate for identifying, analyzing, and resolving dilemmas. Teachers work both with teachers in their own fields and across disciplines to develop additional classroom activities and discussion questions. In addition, reference librarians from the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (part of the Kennedy Institute), share their special expertise with regard to research resources for identifying teaching materials in bioethics and offer special sessions on fiction and non-fiction books and popular and education audiovisual materials appropriate for use in teaching bioethics at the high school level. Librarians also orient the teachers to bioethics materials in the library, help them research topics of special interest, and demonstrate how the teachers and their students may use the free reference services throughout the year.


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