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Bogdan Gusev
Bogdan Gusev

Happiness For SaleSD

Dozens of studies show that money does indeed buy happiness. In a recent article published in the journal Nature, for instance, researchers analyzed data on income and well-being from the Gallup World Poll, a representative survey of more than 1.7 million people worldwide. Perhaps not surprisingly, they found that the higher income people reported, the happier they were.

Happiness For SaleSD

But this was only true to a point. In the same study, emotional well-being stopped increasing once earnings reached $60,000 to $75,000 on average, and people indicated that they were maximally satisfied with their lives once income reached around $95,000. Although these numbers differed quite a bit from country to country, there was always a point at which more money no longer yielded more happiness.

According to our research, most companies have a clear sales process, which leads to productivity (93% said their current work environment is conducive to productivity) and an overall sense of job happiness (87% are happy working in sales and in their current role).

I have been trying to put together the perfect stack and this piece was the icing on the cake. I only buy good quality jewelry bc I like to wear it everywhere and not have to take it off or worry about tarnishing. Hey happiness always delivers. It gives just the right amount of flare while still being quite dainty and understated. Obsessed.

Each decision comes with a price, be it money, time, or something else. This is not a revolutionary concept; we all know this. But what we rarely think about is the fact that each of these decisions adds to the bottom line of the value that we put on our own happiness.

These are just a few common examples. Your mileage, of course, may vary. But to give you an example of just how easy it is to calculate the actual value of happiness, let me give you an example from my own life.

Why is this lack of happiness at work important? Job satisfaction is not only the key predictor of turnover rates, in The Happiness Advantage, I make the research case for the fact that the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and engaged workforce. A decade of research proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and accuracy on tasks by 19%, as well as a myriad of health and quality of life improvements. Yet even those companies that do take leadership training seriously still ignore the role that happiness plays in leadership effectiveness.

To test the ROI of investing in happiness, I wanted to find a company in the midst of high challenge. In 2009, I chose the auditing and tax accounting firm KPMG, as they were about to be hit with perhaps the most stressful tax season in decades after the banking crisis in 2008.

Yet in this case, the effect held for the entire four months. Most significantly, the life satisfaction scores, which indicate personal and professional happiness, were significantly higher four months later as compared to how the managers were before the training, and also as compared to the managers in the control group. A brief three-hour training and a non-mandatory invitation to create a positive habit for 21 days created a high ROI not only in the short-term, but in the longer term as well.

Individuals can begin to do two things on their own. First, recognize that happiness is an advantage at work. This will encourage you to seek happiness in the present instead of waiting for a future success. As a result, your brain will have more resources necessary to accomplish your work. Second, you can literally train your brain for higher levels of happiness at work by creating habits shown to increase job satisfaction. In the training with KPMG, we suggested five:

In other words, happiness should be a goal, not just something you hope happens. So treat it like you do the rest of your corporate goals, like hitting quotas and improving customer satisfaction scores.

About 36% of respondents of the less happy group said sales technology is more focused on managing sales than enabling them. And 71% agreed that a poor technology user experience can negatively impact salesperson happiness.

Shawn Achor, best selling author of The Happy Secret to Better Work, was a student counselor at Yale University when he drew some interesting conclusions about happiness. He found that students were happy to be at Yale during the first week of the semester, but their lives revolved around work and stress during the second week of the semester.

An extensive study into happiness and productivity has found that workers are 13% more productive when happy. The research was conducted in the contact centres of British telecoms firm BT over a six month period by Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford) George Ward (MIT) and Clement Bellet (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

One study found that happy employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees. When it comes to salespeople, happiness has an even greater impact, raising sales by 37%. But the benefits don't end there.

As we move toward the final weeks of the year, take stock of yourself and your team. Are your employees happy at work? Are you happy? Consider what you and your employees can collectively do to infuse more happiness into your everyday operations. You'll see an impact on your work, life and bottom line in 2018.

hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(109236, 'b4e95ffc-8593-421d-be1c-4bbe7d189148', "useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"); Our mood impacts our physical and mental health, but some employers expect their staff to leave their personal thoughts and feelings at the door. However, ignoring our personal problems only makes them worse. If work is a source of their unhappiness, their motivation will tank.

The discourse of the Gospel [Matt. 17:1-9] which I am to give you today treats of eternal happiness. I must begin by giving you a parable. In treating of the marvellous things of the next world in his Dialogues, St. Gregory the Great affirms the following:

The limitations are the same, my dear souls, with all that we can say of the grandeur of eternal happiness and of the pleasure and beauties with which Heaven is filled. Indeed, there is greater proportion between the light of a lamp and the splendor of those great luminaries that shine upon us, between the beauty of the leaf or fruit of a tree and the tree itself laden with both flowers and fruit, between all that this child comprehends of what his mother tells him and the reality itself of the things spoken of, than there is between the light of the sun ands the splendor which the blessed enjoy in glory; between the beauty of a meadow sprinkled with flowers in the springtime and the beauty of these heavenly gardens; between the loveliness of our hills covered with fruits and the loveliness of the eternal hills. But be that as it may, and we may be certain that we can say nothing in comparison to the reality; still we ought to say something about it. 041b061a72


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